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With you can analyse all the data, training load, monitoring, testing and health together.
The calendar page is the entry point of . Coaches can save training and testing session as well as competitions on athlete's calendar. Personnal entries can also be made by the users. This calendar can be synchronized with Google Calendar.
Use the Year Training Plan Editor to design quickly colorfull YTP. Schedule the competitions to athletes (it will appear in their calendar). YTP can also be merged together or printed from the YTP Viewer.
offers the coaches to develop a catalog of exercises to be used to desing training programs and sessions. A catalog can have up to three levels. Exercises can be linked to pictures (that can be uploaded) and video (stored on the web). It also includes a Stress value for training load calculation. It let you share part or the whole catalog with another user. Exercises can be defined one at a time or imported from a speadsheet as bulk.
Training sessions comes in two different training aspects: sport specific and strength. offers the coaches pages that are specific to Athletics (track and field) and a generic sport page. Both are very similar but the athletics page provides more details for the nature of the exercises and the calculation of the load. Users can use the catalog to pick and drop exercises to the session. Coaches can schedule the sessions to the calendar of the athletes. Data entry is also done with those pages, allowing to keep the data on what was accomplished.
Training sessions comes in two different training aspects: sport specific and strength. provides two ways to design strength training: a program editor and a session editor. Strength Program Editor is available to coaches and help design multi-sesions programs. The Strength Session Editor is available to both coaches and athletes and can be used to design a sinble session. Both editors can schedule sessions to the calendar of athletes. Catalog can be used to populate the sessions or programs with exercises.
allows you to define variables used to monitor the state of your athletes. You can used one of the four format (text, numerical, range or scale) and precise if it is to be filled before or after a workout or daily. Variables associated with the workout will automativally at the beginning or end of the workout. Athletes can log to the Monitoring Data Entry page to fill the variables that will be available for analysis.
With keeping track of the test results is eazy. First create testing variables according to four modalities (text, numerical, range or scale) and three different contexts (at a test session, during training or at a competition). The variables can be packaged into a sessions regrouping several tests and can include sereval athletes. Finally, the data entry can be done for sessions and/or variables for one or several athletes.
Unfortunately, injuries happen. Your team therapist can use monitor the treatments and progress of the injured athletes. It is also a way to provide private feedback on the condition of the athlete to coaches and athletes.
offers a complete tool to record, and analyse nutritional data. The user Profile is used to calculate the nutrients requirements but can also be used to keep track of the athlete weight or hight. Meals can be described using Health Canada 25,000 entries database. Favorite meals can be defined for quick data entry. The nutrient profile of the food item, meal or daily consumption can be plotted for analysis. Variation in time in several parameters along with data from the profile can be plotted. Finally, a nutrition log can be produce.
offers a complete tool to analyse all the data recorded; sport specific, strength training, monitoring variables, testing variables, nutritional variables, and treatments variables. The analysis can be performed on the results from one athlete or a group of athletes. Variables can be transformed to create new variables. The data can be saved on the clipboard to use your favorite spreadsheet or to use Google Sheets right on the page. Data can be visualized using a table or graphs.
is equiped with Artificial Intelligeance tools. As you use it, it will become more and more proficient to provide feedback and suggestions.

integrates data to prepare training sessions, monitor improvement, log the tests and competition results and analyse the program.

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